Talking Point

Pinch Point Communications blogs mainly about topics relevant to leadership, public relations and communications. If you’d like to write a guest blog, please get in touch.

Send A Cow

In February I became a trustee of Send A Cow.  In 2002 I was working for Children’s Hospice South West and met Christa Friend, a very gifted graphic designer, counsellor, mother, wife and now...

Spreading the love

Today has been a day for spreading some love and joy.  I know it’s not December (there is in fact a heat wave here in Bristol), but I do feel like it’s the season...

NHS communication: value for money

For the last five years I was Head of Communications for University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, an organisation of more than 8,000 members of staff and a budget of over £500 million pounds...

Membership and responsibility

I am the chair of the membership committee for the CIPR.  Which means we talk about and influence the policy decisions that will be taken by the CIPR National Council.  Why am I writing...

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