Talking Point

My view on the General Election campaigns

Being asked to speak on BBC Radio Bristol today about the General Election and each party’s campaign, was a real privilege. Thank you Claire Carter for inviting me on.

I shared my reflections on who ran the best campaign, winning hearts and minds. I have to say my view is very clear that it was Ed Davey and the Liberal Democrats. I think a master class in how to start by telling your story with passion and compassion is so powerful. Ed’s is a story of being a carer to his mother and then to his own child. Yet then, following that up with such fun and joy and giving the media these amazing photographs that could be used against that backdrop of real humanity and compassion.

Claire asked me about Labour and I reflected on a phrase from a commentator who described it as a Ming vase of a campaign, ‘don’t break it’, and it clearly worked. The Labour landslide is evidence of that.

It’s interesting to me how the Conservatives, made such silly mistakes – the PM in the pouring rain, a shot on a plane surrounded by exit signs, and then a visit to the Titanic museum. But, as Claire asked me – to leave D Day so early, that was an utter disaster, and disrespectful. The King who is being treated for cancer did not leave or show any signs of fatiguing at all. 

Bristol should be very proud of its Green MP, for a city so committed to the environment, with strong credentials; whilst I was sad to see a front bench Labour MP go, the Greens ran a very successful campaign.

I often reflect that there are two approaches to PR and campaigning, the one led by gimmicks and the one led by truthful, honest storytelling. I now think there is a third way – and that is a combination of both. Being honest, making connections, but also having fun. Well done Ed Davey.

To hear Sarah Pinch’s interview on BBC Radio Bristol, see Andy Bennett’s programme on 05/07/2024 around 3hr 20 minutes in.

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