Talking Point

Cycling and me….

I loved my bike. She is expensive and goes by the name Stallion (I believe she may be gender fluid in that regard).

She is fast and turquoise and we have cycled 46 miles for Macmillan and a number of miles for fun. So in May when we set off with lots of other people, including my fabulous friends Paula, Claire and Claire – and of course Mr Gleave, chief cheerleader for The Tour de Bristol, what could possibly go wrong?

I fell off twice. We cycled up a MOUNTAIN. Most of it was in Wales. The last 20 miles were AGONY. It was 100km and I got a medal. I was exceptionally proud of myself and of the really rather inspirational Claire. But boy was I in pain

I had sustained a serious injury – a rather massive and painful lump at the back of my undercarriage, which required a rather embarrassing visit to the GP and a series of antibiotics.

So of course on 4trh August I am getting back on my bike (complete with new, miniscule saddle) and cycling 100 miles, including two hills. Yes of course I am.

Am I mad? Did someone dupe me into doing it? Was I drunk when I agreed?

No reader. I am doing it because I have the enormous honour of being godmother to two fabulous boys and one of them had his life saved by Great Ormond Street Hospital. His mum is one of my dearest and much loved friends. And I want to say thank you.

Thank you to Rachel for being an amazingly supportive friend, colleague, fellow shoe obsessive.

Thank you to Jon and John for being the bestest husbands we could ever ask for.

But mainly, as I cycle up those huge hills, where I shall be terrified of falling off my bike, not being able to unclip, making a right twit of myself; I want to say thank you to GOSH. I am doing it for Charlie and Jack and the amazing staff at GOSH who put Jack’s heart back together the right way.

Please please consider donating here

So let me say right here and right now. Saddle sore, nothing. Falling off my bike, nowt. Cycling for more than six hours and walking like John Wayne? Bring it on. Because after 100 miles and raising a heap of money, I will get the best hug of my life, from Jack. Who is alive and well and robust and vibrant and my god son. Love you darling. See you on the other side.

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