Talking Point

The power of thank you

Anyone who knows me, knows how passionate I am about stationery, posting cards and thank yous.

I think it stems from my upbringing.  I think I always knew that the Pinch household designated 28th and 29th December as  ‘Write Your Christmas Thank You Letters Days’.  I am quite sure I am not alone.

There is nothing quite like receiving a thank you note, or letter in the post.  Stephen Waddington and I spoke about this (and we shared our mutual love of cards and all things stationery…) when we were setting out our plans for the CIPR.  We have our own thank you cards now.  We’ve been using them too.  So imagine my joy when my husband sent me this photo (I am away from home this week)

CIPR thank you

It’s a letter, from the President thanking me for my time served as chair of the CIPR SW and as a member of the CIPR national council and board.

It’s the little things that matter, after all, isn’t it?

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