I am the chair of the membership committee for the CIPR. Which means we talk about and influence the policy decisions that will be taken by the CIPR National Council. Why am I writing about this? Because I wonder how many CIPR members know, or care, about how the CIPR functions.
Last week saw a great career high for me – as a MCIPR (member of the CIPR) – the election of Stephen Waddington as President Elect. I have admired Stephen as a practitioner, business leader, creative and innovator for years and he has, over the last year, become a friend. I was his unofficial (unpaid) campaign director.
The campaign was a roaring success, in that Stephen was elected. But still, only 9 per cent of members voted. Stephen was elected with over two thirds of the vote, so a very clear mandate for change.But I wanted to see more people turn out (well actually open an email and click a few times) to vote. I am a firm believer in involvement, being inside the tent, getting my hands dirty and getting stuck in.
So what about membership and involvement then? It’s just that isn’t it – you join and belong because it’s important. Don’t you?