On Thursday the Chartered Institute of Public Relations announced some great news, 1,611 members had completed their Continuous Professional Development returns (the deadline was 28th February 2015). That is a 27% increase on last year. It was indeed excellent news.
But it is of course only part of the story. We still have a long way to go. Just last evening someone said to me that despite undertaking CPD all year, they had only just started to record it.
My challenge to every member of the CIPR is professional development is indeed continuous. And it’s yours. You own it. Not your employer, or your clients. It’s yours.
Every lawyer, chartered accountant, chartered market researcher – undertakes professional development because without it they will lose their professional credibility. I believe the same is true for members of my profession.
How else can anyone differentiate a well-meaning, jolly nice chap, who owns a laptop and has a good contact book, with a qualified, highly skilled, well connected communications professional?
I think CPD and adhering to the Royal Charter is the only way. If you know of another, let me know.
But for now, I urge every CIPR member to start thinking about how you can further enhance your skills and knowledge in the next twelve months. I’m off to complete my stage one Chartered Practitioner submission, my buddy has already completed her submission and there is nothing like a bit of healthy competition to spur me on!