Standing for election for the CIPR’s Council are more than 35 individuals; all motivated to put their names in the ring to represent members.
For the first time ever all the seats on the CIPR’s Council are open to votes; and it’s from those individuals elected to Council that the membership of the CIPR Board is drawn. There are designated seats for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland; five seats for English regions (with eight people standing); eight open seats, (with 20 nominees); eight seats for our sectoral groups, (with ten nominees). Every member of the CIPR will receive an email today, with information about how, just by a few clicks, you can vote.
As President Elect for 2015, it’s been inspiring to watch the progress made by the institute this year, in modernising its governance, its ability to respond to the membership and, most importantly, I believe, realigning itself to the CIPR’s core purpose. Stephen Waddington, our current president has led the way, with the new CEO, Alastair McCapra and Deputy CEO, Phil Morgan.
In 2015 there will be just as much work to do. We must take the opportunity to reflect on ten years of having our Royal Charter; continue the march to professionalism and working towards the realisation of my five promises: Meaningful membership, Confidence, Demonstrating value, Trust and Telling our story.
So if you are a member, when you receive your email today please vote. And please consider voting for those candidates who you know are going to represent members, challenge when it is necessary, support when that’s needed, are not afraid of hard work, turn up to the meetings and most importantly – get things done!
Thank you